about us 


Jean Claude, LLP is an international Belgian law firm that has gained its strong reputation for consistently and successfully catering for the complex and varied needs of their clients within the context of modern day Europe. We have considerable years experience and expertise in many branches of the law. This allows us to provide solutions to our clients through efficient and cost effective consultation.

As an independent professional body for solicitors, we're distinguished by excellence and industry, providing a broad range of specialist in law. Our clients' base is highly diversified and includes domestic and top-tier international and multinational clients, representing most industry sectors. Our services orientation is focused on the needs of our clients and is committed to providing a full service, tailor-made to meet the needs of each client. Jean Claude LLP, services range from representation in the courts to advice on specialist marine issues, such as navigation, seamanship, classification chartering, ship registration and sort of court representative.

As our name suggests, we are a partnership that successfully brings together two types of legal professionals coming from both common law legal systems and civil law legal systems. We combine our traditional approaches to gain a deep understanding of the client's often multi-jurisdictional requirements in order to provide an innovative and strategic solution to fulfill the clients' specific needs.

Our clients are afforded the invaluable facility of being able to speak and correspond directly with French and English speaking lawyers that are qualified and licensed to practice in Belgium as well as their home jurisdiction on one hand and on the other hand our clients can also deal directly with fluent English speaking French lawyers with many years experience in dealing with overseas clients.

We are constantly developing our use of information communication technology in order to bridge the distances typically experienced by overseas clients. VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and video conferencing are two such technologies that allow us to maintain close contact with our clients be they in Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, entire Europe, USA, etc.